Introducing the Viva Palestine Polo Range

Introducing the Viva Palestine Polo Range

An ethical alternative to the designer brands

I designed this polo shirt with myself in mind. I have for most of my life worn designer polo shirts during the summer months for both my private and work life. Why designer, most likely because I am an irrational consumer and equate high price with high quality which may hold true for a hand crafted watch, but not necessarily apply to a t-shirt or polo top.

Like most moral people the current massacre inflicted upon the Palestinian population, with the backing of most of the first world governments and consumer brands, has made me rethink my consumer habits.

Do I need Ralph Lauren, Hugo Boss, Armani etc. or do they need me? Do these brands corporate values with their massive advertising and marketing budgets align with my values? Have any of these brands spoken up for Palestinian rights in the way they have spoken for Ukraine. The simple answer is no. So why be loyal to them. But to move away I wanted a good alternative, and this was the driver for the watermelon polo top.

The polo is a high quality slim fit polo shirt. The watermelon logo is embroidered and strategically placed slightly higher on the chest than standard branded tops. I purposely did this, so the logo is visible when participating in MS Teams and Zoom meetings. As with our philosophy of designing clothing that are subtle in symbolism the watermelon logo is 2.5 cm by 1.78 cm so approximately the same size as a designer logo on a standard polo shirt.

I request all those who currently purchase designer polo tops to please support our product. We have an opportunity to show our solidarity with Palestine and send a message to brands that are selective to the causes they support and remain silence on the occupation and massacre of innocent Palestinian people.

Click here to BUY this Polo Shirt


The price per watermelon polo shirt is £35.00. All the profits from all of our sales are donated to the Palestinian Red Crescent Society. The profit from each polo is £15.00

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