Donate Directly to PRCS

We are often queried about which Charities to support in Palestine. Although we are not qualified to recommend, we have chosen the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRSC) for the following reasons.
Contact with people in Gaza have verified that the only two charities currently on the ground in Gaza are the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) and the United Nations Relief & Work Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). This is most likely due to the blockage on Gaza and the imposed restrictions for other charities getting aid in.
It is very easy for us through news and social media streams to see the amazing work the PRSC are delivering in what must be the most challenging conditions we have witnessed around the world this century.
So, we strongly recommend anyone willing or planning to donate to the Palestinian cause, visit the PRSC website to get a better understanding of the work they undertake and deliver.
Donations are easy to make through their online portal (link below). This is the link we use on a monthly basis to transfer all the profits from our sales.



Dedicated to Quality. Dedicated to Palestine. 

Viva Palestine has been setup for the purpose of providing high quality Palestinian clothing and merchandise whilst providing full transparency to our customers on ensuring all the profits made go to Palestinian Charity Organisations.