
Following the military onslaught in Gaza in October 2023, which in our opinion, has no clear strategy except the killing and displacement of innocent Palestinians we felt we had to do something to show solidarity with Palestine.

Realising a lot of the merchandise sold on the web had no transparency as to who was profiteering from the war and where the money was going, we decided to do something.

We wanted to offer a high-quality clothing line, with subtle symbols representing solidarity with Palestine that people would feel comfortable wearing. Our research showed most merchandise was bold in symbolism and although great for wearing in protests not suited for everyday wear particularly in societies where standing up of Palestinian rights is silenced.

We also wanted to ensure all profits generated were donated to recognised Palestinian Charitable Organisations and provide full transparency to our customers on the donations made and the causes identified.

Dedicated to Quality. Dedicated to Palestine. 

Viva Palestine has been setup for the purpose of providing high quality Palestinian clothing and merchandise whilst providing full transparency to our customers on ensuring all the profits made go to Palestinian Charity Organisations.